Year 2 History

Year 2 have started their History topic all about the Titanic. First they used their inference skills to examine a piece of evidence. Then they created a ‘Talking Timeline’ showing the key events during the Titanic’s journey in chronological order.

Writing in Year 6

This week, Year 6 have been starting to plan their discursive RE writing to answer the question, ‘Creation or Science: conflicting or complementary?’ Classes began to unpick the structure of the writing and considered lots of elements in order to make the piece cohesive. Children concentrated very effectively to discuss the purpose and audience, the effect they want to have on the reader, the grammatical and punctuation features they need to include and the topic-specific vocabulary. All their ideas are on the classroom working walls to reference throughout the unit. Children also began to think about the main ideas to include in the introduction and worked collaboratively to shared write this section using great communication.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 began their rock unit in Science today. They learnt about the different types of rock.

They enjoyed comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance and got to use the microscopes to look very closely!

Year 3 Art

Year 3 had a brilliant time exploring Yayoi Kusama today.

They created their own art inspired by her.

Year 1 Easter Gardens

This week Year 1 went to the woods to create Easter Gardens. We have been thinking about why The Cross is important to Christians and learning about the Easter story. The children confidently applied all of this knowledge to create some wonderful Easter Gardens! Great work Year 1!

Y5 BSL Live Lesson

Year 5 enjoyed joining in with a live BSL lesson today. We learnt how to sign our names, the signs for greetings, animals and family members. 

Outdoor Learning in Year 6

Over the past two weeks Year 6 have been learning about butterflies. They all had some great questions and wanted to learn more about different species of butterflies! Children had a trail quiz to complete and were challenged to find out the answers to their questions. Upon their trail, they found a peacock butterfly in the grass. They were able to get really close up to it and see the beautiful colours of its wings. Some children even got to hold it! 

Year 3 computing

This afternoon, Year 3 created their own tree diagrams as part of their computing unit.

They thought about yes/no questions and showed real grit and determination.

Year 2 Maths

Today Year 2 have been applying the multiplication and division skills they have been practising in lessons and became tiny teachers! They worked together in pairs to mark a Maths quiz Miss Hunter had completed and fixed any mistakes they found.

Outdoor Art y5

Last week in year 5, we started to learn about cityscapes and landscapes. We started by learning about two artists: Vanessa Gardiner and Phil Dean, the Shoreditch sketcher. This week, we were inspired by their work to go outside and create our own multi-media cityscapes of Queen’s Hill.