Y4 Persuasive Speeches

Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have been learning all about what makes a great speech. They were then set a task by Mrs. Suffield to help her decide whether she should move her family to Queen’s Hill or the centre of Norwich. Y4 have been working incredibly hard to collate their ideas and come up with a convincing argument for why Queen’s Hill is the best place to live. This afternoon, Y4 gathered in the hall to present their speeches to Mrs. Suffield.

Computing: The micro:bit

Year 6 got to grips with using a micro:bit this week – a tiny programmable device that enabled children to understand how computers work and learn to code using the language of computers. They familiarised themselves with the device itself and the programming environment before creating their own programs. They then ran their programs on the device. We were impressed by everyone’s curiosity and concentration!

Y4 Royal Norfolk Show

Year 4 had a fabulous day at the Royal Norfolk Show today. They all began in the Discovery Zone, learning about the production of sugar beet in Norfolk, from preparing the soil all the way to what the sugar is used for. They were challenged to build the tallest possible tower of sugar cubes!

The children also enjoyed exploring many of the other attractions, collecting stickers and seeing how many freebies they could gather!

The highlight of the day for many was seeing the RAF Falcons parachuting display over the Grand Ring!


This week, we have been exploring sun safety. In RHE, we have been learning about how to keep safe in the sun and the effects of UV rays. In science, we learnt about processes involved with testing sunscreen and used UV beads to test the effectiveness of sunscreens with different factors. It helped us to understand the importance of wearing sun cream.

Y4 Geography

As part of our continuing geography topic looking at our local area, Year 4 went on a walking tour of Queen’s Hill this afternoon to assess whether the quality of the environment improved the closer they got to the woodland area. They rated 8 different streets on their appearance, safety, cleanliness and proximity to amenities.

Art in Year 6

Year 6 have been looking at the work of Patrick Caulfield this week, who was part of the ‘Pop Art’ movement with Peter Blake and David Hockney. They began by choosing and drawing an everyday object from different viewpoints and creating a linear aspect by adding black pen to their sketch. They then enlarged their linear drawing and used paint to provide flat areas of cover. Once their paintings were dry, children made their objects ‘pop’ in Caulfield’s style by outlining them in thick black pen. We think their finished outcomes look amazing!

School Council – Menu tasting

Children from school council were given the opportunity to taste a variety of food items and give their opinions on them. This was to help Nikki and the kitchen team think about developing the lunch menu going forward.

A great time was had by all and the feedback given by the children was invaluable. Favourites included a chicken burger, gammon steak and a new curry recipe!

Year 4 Litter Pick

Year 4 considered both the positive and the negative impact that humans can have on the environment. We discussed the different types of litter and how some litter will decompose compared to other litter which will not. We then conducted a litter pick in our local area to see what type of litter was most commonly dropped.

We found that cigarettes were the most common type of litter however there were lots of plastic packets and plastic pieces also found. The least common was organic, compostable litter. We have set up an experiment, using the litter we found, to see how the three types of litter will break down (decompose) over time.

Crucial Crew

Year 6 had the chance to learn vital skills through the ‘Crucial Crew’ safety programme during their visit to The Space today. They had workshops from partners including: Norfolk Constabulary, Road Safety, RNLI, St Johns Ambulance and HM Coast Guard. Children found out about staying safe in a fun and interactive way so they feel confident to recognise hazards and know how to safely respond. We were very proud of how engaged children were throughout the sessions.