Relationships, Sex and Health Education
Queen’s Hills’ Vision for Relationships, Sex and Health Education is that children are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to make and maintain positive relationships that foster a passion for learning in school and into their futures. At Queens Hill we recognise the pivotal role that relationships have in learning and interacting with the world around us. We intend for every child to leave Queens Hill as tolerant, understanding and self-aware people who are ready to contribute to society.
At Queens Hill we prioritise children’s safety and RSHE at QHPS equips children, at an age appropriate level, with the language and strategies to recognise and report abuse. At Queen’s Hill, we aim to ensure that every child has a holistic understanding of health, and is informed and able to maintain their health, including their mental wellbeing. At Queens Hill, RSHE is an open conversation, with clear boundaries where children problem solve and re-enact scenarios. We intend to ensure that all children have the vocabulary available to them to identify their feelings and emotions and know where to get support when necessary. But most importantly, children understand that it is natural to feel a range of different emotions on any given day. At Queens Hill, RSHE promotes inclusion and teaches children about diversity in the compositions of families, gender, race and disabilities.
In essence, the aim for RSHE at Queens Hill is that children leave the school with the knowledge and skills to maintain their health, positive relationships and safety.
We use RSHE teaching resources created for Norfolk County Council alongside Educator Solutions to support our deliver of this subject area.
Subject in Action
Y5 Democracy
During our first full week back in school, year 5 have been campaigning for their school council representatives. We learned about democracy and how we keep things fair. The children worked together on their campaigns and made compelling speeches. Well done to all our school councilors who were elected on polling day!
This week, we have been exploring sun safety. In RHE, we have been learning about how to keep safe in the sun and the effects of UV rays. In science, we learnt about processes involved with testing sunscreen and used UV beads to test the effectiveness of sunscreens with different factors. It helped us to understand the importance … Read more
Anti-Bullying Curriculum Day
On Friday 17th November, children across the whole school celebrated their uniqueness by wearing odd socks. The day started with an assembly by the Happiness Heroes, who explained their role in school and upcoming projects they have planned. Back in class, everyone learnt about what bullying is and how to ‘Make a Noise’ about bullying … Read more
The Colours of Queen’s Hill Y5
The whole school has been working on our self portraits this week, inspired by the work of Angelica Dass and her Humanae project. Here are are some year 5 children tracing their work!
Year 6 Art
Year 6 have had a fantastic start to the year and have quickly settled into life as role models to the rest of the school! This week, children have been taking part in our whole school Art project, ‘The Colours of Queen’s Hill’, inspired by Angélica Dass and the Humanae Project which celebrates the diverse … Read more
Year 2 – Fire Service Visit
Year 2 had a very exciting end to the week meeting some local fire fighters from the North Earlham crew. The children learnt all about the fire engine, listened carefully as the crew explained how they use the different equipment and asked some excellent questions. They also got to see the crew use one of … Read more
A visit from Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service
Today EYFS and KS1 were lucky enough to learn about fire safety from fire fighters from the North Earlham crew. They learned all about the amazing work the fire service do, and they now know some key fire safety tips! Some children got to explore the fire engine and all of it’s equipment, and even … Read more
Year 3 RSE
We looked at permission in RSE today. We discussed different scenarios and explored why it is important to ask for permission.
Year 1 Anti-Bullying Day
It was Anti-Bullying Day in school. In year 1 we read a story called Mixed by Aree Chung. It inspired us to create our own art around the story. We drew our own cities and used finger paint to create the people. The children loved mixing the paint to create as many different colours as … Read more