
Queen's Hill’s Vision for history is to equip children with a range of skills and knowledge that will enable them to ask historically accurate questions, carry out historical enquiries and learn from the past in a way that heightens their understanding of both the present and the future. Through analysis of evidence, detailed understanding of significant events and people of the past and exploration through interactive curriculum days and school trips, children will take away a broad and balanced knowledge of a range of historical topics. This creates a strong foundation of analytical skills, understanding of different perspectives and a passion for discovering new knowledge about the past. We feel that it is important to learn about the experiences and achievements of a breadth of historical figures and strive to empower children with the knowledge of diverse historical individuals and events.

At Queen’s Hill we ensure that current learning is linked to both prior and future historical knowledge. This allows children to build a coherent timeline of key historical events and allows knowledge to be deeply embedded. We focus on drawing comparisons between past and modern life in order to promote understanding of how history impacts the way we live our lives today. This will allow children to reflect on present time and how events today will impact our future. Through analysing different perspectives of past events, children are able to view others with understanding and compassion. At Queen’s Hill, we ensure that all children engage in history through active learning such as role play, handling and analysing evidence and immersive experiences. As such, all children leave Queen’s Hill Primary School with a strong foundation of knowledge for historical enquiry and a desire to continue to ask questions about the past as historians.

Subject in Action


Year 2 History

Year 2 have started their History topic all about the Titanic. First they used their inference skills to examine a piece of evidence. Then they created a ‘Talking Timeline’ showing the key events during the Titanic’s journey in chronological order.


Y5 Geography visitor

This week Mr Marsh and Dr Richardson came to talk to us about flood defences as part of our geography topic. We have been learning about rivers and this was the perfect end to our topic. We got to experiment with different types of flood defences and even got to build some of our own. A … Read more


Year 3 Egyptian Trip

Year 3 went on a brilliant trip to Norwich Castle this week. They consolidated and deepened their learning on the Ancient Egyptians. All children represented the school well and were safe, ready and respectful. The Year 3 team were very proud of everyone!



Year 3 had fun learning about hieroglyphics. They wrote their own names in cartouches and cannot wait to show them in their assembly tomorrow!


Year 2 – Flight

Year 2 have kick started their ‘History of Flight’ unit with a whole day of flight related activities. The children made hot air balloons, had a paper areophane competition and even took a trip on Queen’s Hill Airlines! They will be learning all about aviation in History and English lessons this half term.


Year 3 Egyptians

Year 3 explored artefacts and asked brilliant questions today! They are having so much fun learning about Ancient Egypt!


Y5 Rivers

We launched our ‘What is a River?’ topic in Geography this week by making our very own rivers! We are looking forward to exploring the different parts of a river and exploring river wildlife over the next weeks.


Year 6 Mayan Day

This week, Year 6 launched their new topic, the Ancient Maya civilisation, and participated in different practical activities to begin this unit’s learning. Children made and tasted spicy hot chocolate and discovered that the Maya thought cacao beans were so valuable that they were even used as currency. They explored Mayan temples and had a … Read more


Year 3 Egyptians

Year 3 have started their new topic ‘Ancient Egypt.’ As part of one of our key texts (Marcy and the riddle of the Sphinx), the children decided what they would need to take with them on an expedition. They created a diamond nine with their key items. Soon we will be exploring hieroglyphics too!