Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Queen’s Hills’ Vision for Relationships, Sex and Health Education is that children are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to make and maintain positive relationships that foster a passion for learning in school and into their futures. At Queens Hill we recognise the pivotal role that relationships have in learning and interacting with the world around us. We intend for every child to leave Queens Hill as tolerant, understanding and self-aware people who are ready to contribute to society.

At Queens Hill we prioritise children’s safety and RSHE at QHPS equips children, at an age appropriate level, with the language and strategies to recognise and report abuse. At Queen’s Hill, we aim to ensure that every child has a holistic understanding of health, and is informed and able to maintain their health, including their mental wellbeing. At Queens Hill, RSHE is an open conversation, with clear boundaries where children problem solve and re-enact scenarios. We intend to ensure that all children have the vocabulary available to them to identify their feelings and emotions and know where to get support when necessary. But most importantly, children understand that it is natural to feel a range of different emotions on any given day.  At Queens Hill, RSHE promotes inclusion and teaches children about diversity in the compositions of families, gender, race and disabilities.

In essence, the aim for RSHE at Queens Hill is that children leave the school with the knowledge and skills to maintain their health, positive relationships and safety.

We use RSHE teaching resources created for Norfolk County Council alongside Educator Solutions to support our deliver of this subject area.

Anti-bullying curriculum day across the school
Anti-bullying curriculum day across the school

Subject in Action


Year 1 Anti-Bullying Day

It was Anti-Bullying Day in school. In year 1 we read a story called Mixed by Aree Chung. It inspired us to create our own art around the story. We drew our own cities and used finger paint to create the people. The children loved mixing the paint to create as many different colours as … Read more


Y5 – Anti Bullying Curriculum Day

We had a wonderful day working together in our year group and also meeting up with our Y2 ‘Buddy Classes’. As a year group we looked at what the word ‘bullying’ means and acted through scenarios so that we could better understand how bullying can effect our mental-wellbeing. We read the story ‘Emmanuel’s Dream,’ which … Read more


Year 3 RSE

We looked at how our bodies change as we get older. We created these top trump cards and compared how different things change.


myHappymind in year 4

Here are some year 4 children enjoying their myHappymind lesson. In the celebrate module, we have been learning about character strengths we have and how we show them. The children used some time to reflect about which character traits they have used recently and wrote about them in their journals.


RSHE in Year 4

In RSHE, year 4 have been learning about marriage. We discussed that marriage is a legal commitment that people make to each other to be in a loving and respectful relationship. We also discussed the difference between arranged and forced marriage. In class, we staged a wedding between two teddies to understand the vows that … Read more


RSHE in Year 4

This afternoon in Year 4, we have been thinking about the similarities and differences that we have with one another. As part of our lesson, we created a ‘web of similarities’ to discover all the things that connect us together. These included the types of families we have, our favourite pets and our hobbies. We … Read more