This week, we have been exploring sun safety. In RHE, we have been learning about how to keep safe in the sun and the effects of UV rays. In science, we learnt about processes involved with testing sunscreen and used UV beads to test the effectiveness of sunscreens with different factors. It helped us to understand the importance of wearing sun cream.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 completed a water transportation investigation today.

They enjoyed making predictions, conclusions and setting up fair experiments.

Y4 String Telephones

Year 4 explored how to make the best string telephone by testing different sizes of cups to see which gave the clearest sound. We also investigated the possibility of ‘eavesdropping’ into others’ conversations. 

Year 4 Litter Pick

Year 4 considered both the positive and the negative impact that humans can have on the environment. We discussed the different types of litter and how some litter will decompose compared to other litter which will not. We then conducted a litter pick in our local area to see what type of litter was most commonly dropped.

We found that cigarettes were the most common type of litter however there were lots of plastic packets and plastic pieces also found. The least common was organic, compostable litter. We have set up an experiment, using the litter we found, to see how the three types of litter will break down (decompose) over time.

Year 2 – Science

Year 2 have been investigating world habitats in their Science lesson, they used books and iPads to research their chosen world habitat. Then they drew a diagram of that habitat and wrote a description explaining which living things lived there and the special features they needed to survive.

Y1 – Materials

As part of their materials topic Year 1 tested materials to find out which ones were waterproof. They came to the conclusion that plastic was waterproof. Mrs Carpenter then stood behind a big piece of plastic so we could really test it out. It’s a good job that they were right!

Investigating Voltage

Year 6 have been thinking scientifically when investigating voltage, specifically what happens to components as the voltage of the cell or battery is increased. Children worked effectively to set up a fair test, consider the variables in their experiment and draw conclusions from what they observed.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 began their rock unit in Science today. They learnt about the different types of rock.

They enjoyed comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance and got to use the microscopes to look very closely!

Trip to Pets at Home

We have been learning about pets and how to look after animals. Today year 1 went on a visit to Pets at home to see some pets and find out more about how to care for animals. We found toys, food and and pet beds. We also saw some very cute rabbits, rats and even a bearded dragon!

Science in Year 1

Year one have been doing some great learning in science! Last week we investigated why giraffes have big hooves by trying to push different sized objects into the sand. We also explored designing a menu and creating pizzas for animals depending on whether they were, herbivores, omnivores or carnivores.

Today we identified and named different body parts through playing different games and drawing round someone in the class then labelling the drawing.