We spent time in groups learning facts about different African animals. We learnt where they live, what they eat and some very interesting facts!
Year 4 – Mad Science
Year 4 kicked off their brand new science topic with a bang this morning as Mad Science led a fantastic workshop.
They learnt all about static electricity through the use of a Van de Graaff generator, which raised a few hairs!
Children were introduced to the terms ‘conductor’ and ‘insulator’ and used themselves as a pathway to allow electricity to flow and light up a bulb!
A big thanks to Mad Science for such an informative and engaging workshop this morning. We can’t wait to find out more about electricity over this half term!
Year 2 Kite Festival
This morning Year 2 tested out their kites in their very own Kite Festival. There was some very successful flying and some kites that needed a few repairs along the way! The children had a great time and were able to talk about why the materials they had chosen were a good choice for a kite or not.
Year 2 – Science
This half term Year 2 have been exploring everyday materials and their suitability for different purposes. After testing the materials, they designed and made their own kites ready to test them next week in our Year 2 Kite Festival.
Investigating Shadows
This week, Year 6 have conducted a shadow investigation to explore whether the distance between an object and a light source will affect the size of the shadow. Firstly, children created shadow puppets and gathered the apparatus they needed for the experiment: a meter stick, a ruler, a torch and their results table. They measured the size of the shadow when their torch was at different intervals from the object and, to keep it a fair test, made sure the shadow puppet remained in the same place for each measurement. Children then reported on their results and found that the closer the light source was to the object, the greater the shadow because more light was blocked. We have been impressed by Year 6’s curiosity and teamwork when working scientifically this week!
Y4 Science – The Digestive System
Over the last couple of weeks, Year 4 have been learning all about the human digestive system. They have learnt the names of the different organs that support digestion and what happens to food at each stage.
Yesterday, Year 4 demonstrated the digestive system using bananas, Weetabix, scissors, tights and more..! Have a look at some of the photos below!
Science in Year 6
This week in Science, Year 6 have started their new unit on light. Children revisited prior learning using a concept cartoon to start their discussions. Then they explored subject-specific vocabulary which they will use and develop their understanding of through investigation and enquiry over the course of this half term.
Year 3 Science
Year 3 enjoyed learning about magnets today. We looked at the poles and grouped magnetic and non-magnetic items together.
What a fun afternoon!
Year 3 Science Investigation
This afternoon, Year 3 did a science investigation around friction.
The children had to find out which shoe had the most friction in their group.
They ensured it was a fair test and enjoyed using the Newton meters.
Animal Classification
Year 6 have been learning how to classify animals based on their characteristics. This week they played a game of animal ‘Guess Who’. Using key technical vocabulary children were able to guess each other’s chosen animals by asking a series of questions. There were some excellent questions being asked like, ‘Is your animal a vertebrate?’ and ‘Is your animal cold-blooded?’ We were equally impressed by our year sixes knowledge of a range of species of animals – some budding zoologists in the making!