Year 3 have been exploring Greta Thunberg. They are looking at sustainability and the book ‘Greta and the Giants’.
Today, they showed great independence when researching their own facts about her in order to create a biography next week.
Year 3 have been exploring Greta Thunberg. They are looking at sustainability and the book ‘Greta and the Giants’.
Today, they showed great independence when researching their own facts about her in order to create a biography next week.
Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have been learning all about what makes a great speech. They were then set a task by Mrs. Suffield to help her decide whether she should move her family to Queen’s Hill or the centre of Norwich. Y4 have been working incredibly hard to collate their ideas and come up with a convincing argument for why Queen’s Hill is the best place to live. This afternoon, Y4 gathered in the hall to present their speeches to Mrs. Suffield.
This afternoon Year 2 met up with Year 3 to share their versions of ‘Julian is a Mermaid’. Year 2 were very excited to read their stories and show Year 3 all the hard work they had put into writing them.
Year 1 had a visit from the Garlic Theatre Company for a production of Jack and the Bean’s Talk. The children also got the opportunity to see the puppets and find out how it all works. They were incredibly inspired and we can’t wait to see how amazing their own stories are when they write them in a few weeks.
Last week the children came into school and a beanstalk had grown in each of the classrooms! The children think that the beanstalk grew from some magic beans that Mr Cross gave us. The children have worked hard to describe the beanstalk and produced some wonderful descriptive writing!
Some children from Year 1 and Year 2 had an exciting trip to Bookbugs and Dragon Tales bookshop where they met author Robert Tregoning and illustrator Stef Murphy. They listened to Robert and Stef’s new book ‘A Fairy Called Fred’ and then designed outfits to grant wishes just like Fred the Fairy!
Year 3 had fun creating these amazing Stone Age fact files this week.
They were able to include pieces of work from writing, DT, art and history to produce a brilliant final piece.
We are very proud of their efforts and the children enjoyed taking them home to share with their families.
As part of their topic some Year 1 children chose to interview Mr Cross and Mrs Suffield. They asked them about their current job and the jobs that they had had before.
This week, Year 6 have been starting to plan their discursive RE writing to answer the question, ‘Creation or Science: conflicting or complementary?’ Classes began to unpick the structure of the writing and considered lots of elements in order to make the piece cohesive. Children concentrated very effectively to discuss the purpose and audience, the effect they want to have on the reader, the grammatical and punctuation features they need to include and the topic-specific vocabulary. All their ideas are on the classroom working walls to reference throughout the unit. Children also began to think about the main ideas to include in the introduction and worked collaboratively to shared write this section using great communication.
We have been learning about pets and how to look after animals. Today year 1 went on a visit to Pets at home to see some pets and find out more about how to care for animals. We found toys, food and and pet beds. We also saw some very cute rabbits, rats and even a bearded dragon!