Peer teaching in Year 6

Year 6 demonstrated fantastic teamwork and communication when peer teaching in their English lesson. This lesson was all about working together and generating vocabulary for our suspense narrative based on ‘The Curse of the Maya’. Children also came up with lots of figurative language for the main character’s senses. Each group moved around the room and added ideas or improved what was already there. The ‘Pupil Paparazzi’ then went and collected excellent examples that they wanted everyone to notice. Well done Year 6!

Year 2 – Writing

For the last couple of weeks Year 2 have been investigating a crime that happened in their classrooms! They were reading the book ‘I Want My Hat Back’ in English and then made there own hats but one night after school a hat went missing. The children used the clues left in the crime scene by the thief to work out who their main suspects were. They then wrote questions to ask the eye witnesses and suspects to help them gather even more evidence. After a careful investigation they were able to identify the thieves and find the missing hats. The children have written detailed crime scene reports of their investigation to tell the other teachers all about this shocking event!

Romeo & Juliet: The Prologue

Year 6 have had fun exploring the beginning of Romeo & Juliet through drama this week. They used freeze frames to capture parts of The Prologue in Shakespeare’s tragic play and even had a go at translating the tricky language into the modern day. Children will be reporting on the action of Act 1 Scene 1 over the coming weeks and producing informative newspaper reports.

Y5 Bookbugs and Dragontales

This morning some of our Year 5 children went to Bookbugs and Dragontales and had a great time doing a creative writing project. They selected lots of new books for our new Book Nook, which will be for our Year 5 and 6 children, opening next week.

Penguin Visit

On Wednesday Year 1 came back from lunch to find a mess in their classrooms. There were footprints, ice, water and fish. The children acted as detectives to find out what had happened. On Thursday we were able to check the CCTV and found that it had been a penguin! Now we need to try and find the penguin so we can get some more information.

Harvest Assembly Year 3

The whole school enjoyed celebrating Harvest this morning. As part of that, Year 3 performed their poem ‘The Sound Collector’ and sang ‘In the Autumn’.

What a great half term we have had!

Writing in Year 6

Have a look at the wonderful writing taking place in Year 6, proudly displayed on our classroom walls! Year 6 have published their diary entries based on our text ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’. They have used lots of features of the success criteria we constructed together, including: emotive language, thoughts and feelings and rhetorical questions. Everyone demonstrated fantastic grit and determination with their writing stamina – some children wrote six whole pages! As well as this, lots of concentration was shown in order to ensure the beautiful, joined-up handwriting you can see. Children independently edited and improved their work using green pen in their books and then, using teamwork, paired edited before writing up in neat. It’s great to see so many of our QH crowns being applied – well done all!

Autumn is coming!

This week we have been finding out about the changes we will see as we move into the next season. We know that Autumn is the next. We have been looking out for some of the changes that occur at this time of year and spotting the signs of Autumn. On Thursday we will be going on a walk to the outdoor classroom to try and observe some of these seasonal changes. In the classroom we have explored the Autumnal small worlds and used pine cones to help develop our fine motor skills. We have been practicing our maths and turn taking skills by playing games like snakes and ladders.

Y5 Outdoor Reading

Year 5 have settled back into school routines in our first short week in school. Mrs White and her class went out to enjoy a fresh breeze whilst they read our current book ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah.