Book Week in Year 4

This week, we enjoyed lots of reading activities to celebrate World Book Day. We read with our Year 1 buddies, heard stories from teachers, dressed as our favourite book characters and did a book swap!

States of Matter in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about states of matter in Science. We learned about solids, liquids and gases and undertook an experiment to learn more. We put raisins into a cup of lemonade and found that the raisins floated to the top. We discovered that the gas particles in the lemonade allowed them to do this.

We have also been learning about Aztecs and we started the week with an Aztec day. We even had a visitor (Ms Taylor) who told us about an Aztec prophecy.

Finally, we celebrated 22.02.22 on Tuesday with Times Table Twosday! We all dressed as rockstars and joined a competition on Times Table Rockstars!

Switches in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning how to include a switch in an electrical circuit. We used our circuits, with bulbs as eyes, to create Iron Men.

Thank you to all the parents that came to Les Lapin’s Show and Share assembly today.

Electricity in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about Electricity in Science. Today, we tested objects in the classroom to discover whether they were conductors or insulators.

RE Visit

On Monday afternoon, Year 4 had a visit from Rev. Laura Montgomery. They learnt all about what charity means to Christians and some of the ways that the people in her churches are charitable. She then set the children a task to research one of 4 charities: Christian Aid, The Children’s Society, Tearfund and Compassion. In pairs, the children created their own informative posters based on the charity of their choice. What a great afternoon!’ 

Teeth Week beginning 22nd November

In Year 4, our current Science topic is looking at teeth and digestion. Last week, we learnt about the different types of teeth and their functions, before creating models using marshmallows. This week, we will be doing an experiment to see how different liquids can affect the surface of our teeth! 

We have also been busy in Design and Technology making our Roman Catapults. To do this successfully, we needed to use our Maths learning about measurement to make sure we cut out all the pieces of wood accurately. We needed to be safe when using equipment like saws. We worked with our talk partners to keep each other safe. When we were finished, we tested them out with toy soldiers!

Week beginning 11th October – Black History Month

This week in Year 4 we have celebrated Black History month with our curriculum day! We have learned about influential Black people throughout history and their impact on society. We have been inspired by their work, to create some of our own Art work, animations and persuasive posters.

Pablo Fanque

Pablo Fanque was a circus entertainer in the Victorian period. He was most famous for his act where he would dance with horses! He was a trapeze artist and ran his own circus. He was also from Norwich! Pablo Fanques’ famous circus poster inspired a song by the Beatles. Today, Year 4 were inspired by his and other circus posters and used persuasive language to create our own eye catching posters.

Alma Thomas

Alma Thomas was an influential painter, and became most iconic for her use of brush strokes and colour. Year 4 chose different techniques to recreate the style of Alma Thomas with their work.

Floyd Norman

Floyd Norman was an animator who worked with Walt Disney, creating some of Disneys’ most well-known stories. Year 4 created animations of a volcano erupting using Purple Mash, inspired by Floyd Norman’s animation work.

Week beginning 6th September – I am me!

To start Year 4, we have been thinking about all the things that make us us! We have been using this to help us with our writing in English. Year 4 have written Kennings poems about themselves. We are entering these into a competition and they will be published in a book for families to buy!

In Art and Design, we have been creating class flags. We have studied the different symbols and colours that you find on flags and what they represent. We used these ideas to inspire our flags, each individual flag represents a child in the class, and they are all sewn together to represent us as whole class community. Thank you to Miss Chamberlain for assembling the final pieces together.

Additionally, we have have been learning about what makes Norfolk great! In Reading Masters we have been studying a non-fiction text all about Norfolk and using our comprehension skills to find out more information about our Inspiring home County. This is going to help us with our learning in week 2, when we will be writing persuasively to encourage people to visit Norfolk!

Week beginning 13th September – Plants and Rocks

For our second week of term, Year 4 have been investigating the rock cycle and plants. Year 4 have been recapping some of their Year 3 Scientific knowledge about the rock cycle and plants. We used chocolate to represent the rock cycle. We grated the chocolate to represent sedimentary rock, then we applied heat and pressure, then left it to cool to it to turn it into igneous rock. We applied a hotter temperature and more pressure to create metamorphic rock.

We grated the chocolate to create the ‘sediment’

Sedimentary ‘rock’ (chocolate rock)


In order to study plants, we investigated the function of the stem of a plant by leaving celery in water with food colouring overnight. In the morning, we could see that the water had travelled up the stem by the blue dots that were showing. This shows us how water travels up the stem of a plant.


In Writing we began to planning and drafting our persuasive leaflets to encourage people to visit Norfolk. We used a good example from the ‘Great Days Out in Norfolk’ leaflet to help us.


In Maths, we have been working hard and using base ten and bead strings to help us to add and subtract, recapping some of our Year 3 knowledge.