Well done to the Y3/4 children who attended the World Cup themed football event today at the Nest.
Well done to the Y3/4 children who attended the World Cup themed football event today at the Nest.
Here are some year 4 children enjoying their myHappymind lesson. In the celebrate module, we have been learning about character strengths we have and how we show them. The children used some time to reflect about which character traits they have used recently and wrote about them in their journals.
Have you heard the news? Ms Taylor’s fish have had babies!
Year 4 also reenacted a gladiator fight scene in preparation for our writing. We used verbs and adverbs to describe our actions. E.g. I’m swiping you aggressively!
It’s been a busy week in year 4. We have also been learning about angles! The children are now able to identify acute angles, right angles, obtuse angles and reflex angles. We used masking tape and drew the angle onto the tables!
This week, some of the girls’ in year 3/4 and 6 got to take part in a football competition. The girls’ played very well with the two teams scoring lots of goals and showing great teamwork. They all had a fantastic time and represented Queen’s Hill very well.
In RSHE, year 4 have been learning about marriage. We discussed that marriage is a legal commitment that people make to each other to be in a loving and respectful relationship. We also discussed the difference between arranged and forced marriage. In class, we staged a wedding between two teddies to understand the vows that are made between people who get married. The children made a wanted poster of their ideal partner, when they grow up. We discussed all the things that make a good partner. Then, we asked them to think how they would feel if they did not have the choice to pick their partner. This highlighted the meaning of forced marriage.
In Science this week, year 4 have been learning about teeth and their basic functions. We used mirrors to look at the shapes and sizes of our own teeth. Then we ate apples and considered the functions of our teeth. Finally, we wrote about the functions of different teeth and labelled them.
Today we hosted our very first whole-school workshare. Thank you to parents and carers for coming along and helping to celebrate all of our pupils’ amazing learning so far! We will be hosting a work-share towards the end of each half-term. We will keep everyone updated with future dates in our monthly school newsletter.
Today in school we have had a curriculum day in honour of Norfolk Black History Month. Across the school, children have been learning about influential Black people; Chadwick Boseman, Kadeena Cox, Ashley Banjo, Oti Mabuse, Mo Farah and John Boyega. They have looked into their achievements and contributions and why they have inspired people across the world with their work and their amazing approaches to life.
We were also treated to sessions of African dancing and drumming with the PanAfro Band. It was a joy to see everyone moving and enjoying themselves and experiencing this wonderful style of music and dance.
Throughout our school year, we are committed to celebrating diversity across our curriculum and in all of our learning and so this is just an opportunity to extend the already wonderfully diverse curriculum we have here at Queens Hill.
In year 4, we are going to be writing a recount about the events that took place when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. To kick start our writing, we reenacted a volcanic eruption and watched a reconstructed animation of Mount Vesuvius erupting over Pompeii. The children were really engaged and took notes about what happened at each stage of the eruption to inform their writing.
You can watch the video here.