Music Assembly

Today, KS2 had a special visitor to show them brass instruments.

They were able to find out what makes a brass instrument different to others, how the tubing and size of instrument affects the sound and range as well as ask lots of questions!

What a brilliant opportunity!

Y5 Ancient Greek Day

To launch our new history topic, Ancient Greeks. Y5 had a day of cooking. We prepared and cooked Melomakarona (which are Greek honey-spice cookies), chicken kebabs with roasted vegetables and tzatziki dip and a Greek salad. The children worked tirelessly in the kitchen all morning to prepare this wonderous feast. In the afternoon we wrote up our recipes with a detailed method including modal and imperative verbs.

Finally, once all the work was done we sat down and ate all of the wonderful food that was prepared.

Year 3 Bird Box making!

All of year 3 had a great time today making bird boxes! They had to show teamwork skills and grit and determination!

The children were excited to use hammers and nails! Look at our amazing work!

Bus driver visit to Reception

As part of our learning on transport, Sarah came in to talk to the year group about her role as a bus driver. She talked to the children about all aspects of her role, from keeping her passengers safe, understanding the bus timetables and maps to the road signs that she has to follow. We discussed how to catch a bus and ask a bus to stop once you are onboard. We also talked about how using the bus can help the environment.

Sarah also kindly made each class their own bus stop and driver lanyards so that they could enjoy role playing being a bus driver – which the children have loved! Thank you for a fabulous talk and awesome resources for the children!

Local Author Visit

To mark the end of world book week, Miss Hicks organised for local author, Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward, to join our school for the day. He visited all of the classrooms today, to read his story and inspire others to write their own book. Nigel’s books: Freddie’s Impossible Dream and What’s That? were illustrated by his son Robbie, who was 8 years-old when he drew the pictures for their first book. The books are about the power of imagination, chasing your dreams and never giving up.

A big thank you to Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward for joining us. You can find out more about his books on his website:

Martial Arts

SESMA joined reception for a martial arts session. Children learned to block, punch, guard and kick. They enjoyed the session and understood that martial arts is a discipline which they only practice during classes.

Y6 Mathematics Challenge

We sent four of our young mathematicians to represent Queen’s Hill at a county wide mathematics challenge, held at Norwich School.

They were given a set of letters and numbers and worked through the ‘equations’ allocating the letters values. They then attempted to make the total indicated using six values provided while only using the four operations. The final challenge was to solve questions to test their lateral thinking and problem solving.

All four of them worked extremely hard and represented Queen’s Hill with pride – we are so proud of them!