In Year 1, we have been learning about spiral art. We were inspired by spirals in nature and created our own spiral art! We then hosted an art gallery where we displayed our work and discussed each other’s final piece.
In Year 1, we have been learning about spiral art. We were inspired by spirals in nature and created our own spiral art! We then hosted an art gallery where we displayed our work and discussed each other’s final piece.
Year 4 have been completing art work in response to the poem “The Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll. They used charcoal, graphite, pencil and water colours. Our finished final pieces are displayed in the corridor and the classrooms.
Year 6 have started the year off with an Art project linked to history learning all about WWII. Children re-designed packaging for wartime food products whilst considering the impact of rationing and the need for items to have a much longer life than the usual fresh produce. We think the end results look excellent and have been so impressed by their creativity!
Year 2 have started their first art project of the year and have been exploring art in nature. After learning about artists who use the landscape and natural materials in their work, the children collected natural objects and then used them to create patterns and pictures.
Year 3 explored Heather Hansen’s gestural art today.
They listened to different pieces of music and thought about how it made them feel. They used charcoal to create art and patterns inspired by her.
Year 3 had a great afternoon sampling and tasting different jam tarts.
They thought about the packaging, pastry and filling before giving it an overall rating.
Next week, they are going to design and bake their very own!
Year 6 have been looking at the work of Patrick Caulfield this week, who was part of the ‘Pop Art’ movement with Peter Blake and David Hockney. They began by choosing and drawing an everyday object from different viewpoints and creating a linear aspect by adding black pen to their sketch. They then enlarged their linear drawing and used paint to provide flat areas of cover. Once their paintings were dry, children made their objects ‘pop’ in Caulfield’s style by outlining them in thick black pen. We think their finished outcomes look amazing!
Year 3 had fun creating these amazing Stone Age fact files this week.
They were able to include pieces of work from writing, DT, art and history to produce a brilliant final piece.
We are very proud of their efforts and the children enjoyed taking them home to share with their families.
Year 3 explored different cave paintings and had a go at replicating some using chalk pastels this afternoon.
Have a look at their creative designs!
Year 6 have created some wonderful collages inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt. His work included lots of symbolism and used a wide variety of subjects including people and landscapes. Klimt’s paintings also incorporated gold leaf and were very intricate. Year 6 chose elements from a range of Klimt’s work to incorporate into their own design. They then chose different materials and textures to layer onto their collages in colours typical to his style.
We have been very impressed with children’s creativity and concentration throughout the project!