Year 3 Fun!

What a week we have had in Year 3!

We have enjoyed looking in more detail at ‘somebody swallowed Stanley’ focusing on similes. We have also been consolidating our column subtraction knowledge, learning about sustainability, including looking at mini models, performing our own raps which we composed on Shrove Tuesday and even dressed up for World Book Day!

Have a look at some of the things we got up to.

Martial Arts

SESMA joined reception for a martial arts session. Children learned to block, punch, guard and kick. They enjoyed the session and understood that martial arts is a discipline which they only practice during classes.

Y6 Mathematics Challenge

We sent four of our young mathematicians to represent Queen’s Hill at a county wide mathematics challenge, held at Norwich School.

They were given a set of letters and numbers and worked through the ‘equations’ allocating the letters values. They then attempted to make the total indicated using six values provided while only using the four operations. The final challenge was to solve questions to test their lateral thinking and problem solving.

All four of them worked extremely hard and represented Queen’s Hill with pride – we are so proud of them!

Y5 Mathematics Challenge

We sent four of our young mathematicians to represent Queen’s Hill at a county wide mathematics challenge, held at Norwich School.

Working in pairs the mathematicians worked through five problems during an eight minute period at each station. The activities involved problems such as:

Pentominoes ~ Tangrams ~ Railway timetables ~ Ordering playing cards ~ Dice ~ Mystery numbers ~ Domino jigsaw ~ Shopping lists ~ Mazes ~ Code breaking ~ Sequences ~ Broken calculators ~ Make 24  ~ Logic puzzles ~ Cross numbers.

All four of them worked extremely hard and represented Queen’s Hill with pride. They competed with courage and placed Queen’s Hill in the top 20! Even commenting that they would come back next year and compete for Y6 – we are so proud of them!

Year 3 Creativity

As part of English and topic, Year 3 are looking at how we can look after our planet.

Today, we read the story ‘someone swallowed Stanley’ and made our own kites out of old plastic bags. We had so much fun flying them at breaktime!

The Arrival by Shaun Tan

This week, Year 6 started their English unit based on the graphic novel, ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan. A graphic novel is a story without words and it can still be just as powerful and detailed. We discussed how every illustration is included for a reason and that if you look very closely you gather a huge amount of information from a single image.

‘The Arrival’ is a migrant story. A man leaves his wife and child in a poor town, hoping for better opportunities in an unfamiliar country on the other side of the sea. He eventually finds himself in a mysterious city of different traditions, strange animals, unusual drifting objects and foreign languages. With only a suitcase and a little money, the immigrant must find a place to live, food to eat and some kind of employment. He is helped along the way by supportive strangers, each carrying the weight of their own past: stories of struggle and survival in a world of upheaval and hope.

Our Topic this term is ‘Tolerance’ and already Year 6 have been able to identify some of the key themes of the book as respect, diversity and multiculturalism. We look forward to seeing the work that the children will produce based on this powerful story.

Meeting Tilly The Tortoise

Today Mrs Carpenter brought her pet tortoise called Tilly to school.

We spent time with Tilly and asked Mrs Carpenter lots of questions to find out about what it is like to have a tortoise as a pet.

Year 1 celebrate pancake day

Today, our Year 1 pupils learnt more about the reasons behind shrove Tuesday and the start of lent. They designed their own pancakes, before getting to try them out in class!

Animal Footprints

Year 1 found a box in their classroom. There were animal footprints around the box! We realised that they were the footprints of an elephant, a camel, a lion and a frog. A message on the box said that the box had come from the zoo. Inside the box, there was a book called ‘Dear Zoo’. We figured out that the zoo had tried to send us some pets. We talked about whether or not an elephant, camel, lion and frog would make a good pet