Last Chance for Harvest Donations

Thank you for all your food donations so far. There’s still time to make a donation before our Harvest assembly on Friday. The donations box can be found in the front entrance of the school.

All food is going to the Norwich foodbank UK

We’ve Won Gold!

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve just been awarded gold status for our work on the All Together Programme. The Project works to reduce bullying and improve the well-being of pupils in school. 

We’re continuing to develop the programme this year to ensure Queen’s Hill remains a happy environment for all, where bullying is not tolerated.

Nursery Taster Sessions


We are holding three taster sessions between now and the end of the academic year to allow you and your child the chance to see what our Nursery is like, ask questions and try some activities. You’ll also have the opportunity to look through some current ‘Learning Journey books’ which will give you a flavour of what you could expect your child to do and learn whilst with us, if they get a space at our Nursery.

Download the leaflet with dates of all upcoming sessions

Download our nursery policy for more information on admissions


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Latest news and events

You may have noticed our new information board located near our Fieldfare way entrance. On there you’ll find diary dates, copies of our latest newsletter and term dates for this academic year. There are lots of ways you can keep in touch with all that’s going on at Queen’s Hill Primary:

You can also find information about what’s going on in your child’s class through our online blogs. These can be found on the ‘Classes’ tab on our school website.

Everybody Reading in Class

We captured this lovely photo of year 3 enjoying ERIC time (Everybody Reading in Class). ERIC time happens each day in class and helps to promote a love of reading.


Year 1 Parent Café

26th September 2018
We had a busy morning in year 1 today as parents and carers were welcomed into the classroom. Children and adults took part in a range of fun, practical activities at our café to help develop reasoning skills both in school and at home.

You can keep up to date with all that’s happening in each year group through our online blogs. These can be found on the ‘Classes’ tab on our school website.

European Languages Day

We had another amazing curriculum day on Friday 21st September. All children from Reception to Year 5 got to work on a range of activities inspired by European languages, and yes, the staff relished in the opportunity to dress up…again!

Curriculum Day: September 2018

Curriculum Day: September 2018

Last Friday saw the launch of our first curriculum day for the new academic year. 

All children from reception to year 5 participated in an exciting range of activities linked to this term’s topic, ‘All Aboard the Language Ship’.

Children designed their own pirate ships, sang and composed a sea shanty, created a treasure map and wrote a letter in a bottle.

A big thank you to all our staff and pupils for making the day such a success. The children loved seeing their adults dressed up in their best pirate attire!

10th Birthday Celebrations

On Friday 7th September Queen’s Hill Primary School celebrated it’s 10th Birthday – and what an amazing day we all had.

Link below for the local newspaper article and video.


Our school dogs were very excited in the morning with all of the celebrations.



EYFS and Year 1 enjoyed Robin, the storyteller, reading them stories in the Connie Library.


The surprise climbing wall was a HUGE excitement for all of the KS2 children who got the opportunity to climb the wall.  They all showed lots of grit and determination to get to the top. As you can see from the photo below even some of the teachers had a go!!

At lunchtime we had a rounders game on the field with some of our parents.  Below is the winning team.


It was lovely to have Richard Bacon MP and local councillors attend our special birthday assembly and they got the chance to view our special birthday mural by Mik Richardson.


Wow!!! We had some amazing birthday cakes.  One of our parents, Cara Burton delivered a surprise birthday cake and one of our kitchen staff also made a fantastic cake.

As a surprise for the children, the staff had their own band, and performed for the children in the assembly and at the Birthday Bonanza after school.

It was an amazing day which all the children enjoyed, thank you to everyone involved.