Y4 Published Writers

Back in the Autumn term, year 4 wrote some kennings poems, which we entered into a competition. Our kennings were about Roman Gladiators. Today, the published books arrived with our poems inside!

Year 4 Iron Men

To finish our ‘Electrify’ topic this half term, we made ‘Iron Men’ with flashing LED lights for eyes. The children used their knowledge about complete circuits to make the eyes. Some even included a home made switch in their circuit so they could make the eyes flash.

Year 4 Electricity

This term in year 4, we are learning about electricity in Science. Last week, we started by exploring what a complete circuit would look like and what is required to make a bulb light up.

This week, we used our complete circuits to test if materials were insulators or conductors. Our topic this half term is ‘Electrify’, linked with our book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Later in the term, we will be using our electricity knowledge to create our own Iron Men with headlamp eyes!

Year 4 Iron Man Poetry and Art

Year 4 have started the new term to an incredible beginning. We began the week by exploring our focus for this half term, The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In Writing, we have discovered figurative language such as alliteration, similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. We have found examples of this in The Iron Man and created our own examples to write short poems about the Iron Man.

In Art, we explored sketching techniques and practiced hatching, contour hatching, cross hatching and smudging. Our final piece, is a chalk drawing of The Iron Man. See some examples of our work below!

Year 4 Roman Catapults

Last week, year 4 made Roman catapults. We worked hard in our talk partner pairs and learned lots of new skills including using a junior hacksaw and hot glue guns safely. When they were complete we tried them out!

Roman Towns in Year 4

This week we have also been summarising our learning about the Romans. We have such a huge range of knowledge about the Romans and their powerful empire since we have been researching them in our History lessons. This week, we learned about Roman towns. We also discussed and considered what makes a good historian and how we know so much about these Roman towns. We discovered that many cities today contain remains from Roman times.