Siobhain O’Higgins – Grand Piano

Children across the school were given the opportunity to join Siobhain O’Higgins playing her Grand Piano on zoom today.

Children were able to listen live to different pieces, think about how it made them feel and what they could picture in their heads and see how the piano actually works!

Year 6 Music

Year 6 have been enjoying their steel pan drumming lessons.

Steel pan drums are thought to have originated from West African drums. They were developed in the Caribbean country of Trinidad and Tobago during the 20th century and are the national instrument. The surface of the metal is hammered out into a series of dents which each produce different sounds when hit by the beaters. 

Steel pans come in all different sizes and can produce different notes depending on the size of the drum. They are often played in an ensemble called a steel band and are an integral part of Caribbean music. Have a look at the drums which our year sixes have been playing! This week they have been using lots of concentration when learning how to play different scales.

Rocksteady Concert

This morning, on our final day of the academic year, we welcomed lots of adults and children to our Rocksteady concert.

5 bands performed including songs from George Ezra and Taylor Swift!

What a musical morning!

Hedgehog Music Performance

This morning, Hedgehog class performed their ‘lean on me’ song to CNS high as part of the outreach project.

The Year 12 students then joined in with their instruments for the verses. It was great to see everyone making music together!

We look forward to seeing how our partnership can develop next academic year.

Boom Whacker Workshop

Hedgehog class enjoyed a Boom Whacker workshop today courtesy of CNS high school.

Miss Peek will be delivering these sessions across the school during the next academic year.

They were able to play different rhythms and chords and even accompany the song ‘Lean on me.’

Y5 #WeWill Sing

#WeWill Sing was a unique choral opportunity where Y5 worked with other primaries and Ormiston Academy through music, performance, and youth social action. The project involved working together to produce a community choral event, whilst raising money for local charities, which took place in December.

We are so proud of all the children who took part. As part of their dedication to the project they all received a Gold Award and a Murray Award for doing over 25hours of youth social action.

Music Assembly

Today, KS2 had a special visitor to show them brass instruments.

They were able to find out what makes a brass instrument different to others, how the tubing and size of instrument affects the sound and range as well as ask lots of questions!

What a brilliant opportunity!

Performance Club

The upper KS2 performance club treated staff and parents to a live performance after school today.

They showcased their hard work from this half term, presenting the song ‘a little circus’.

Their singing and choreography was amazing! We are very proud of their efforts.

Thank you to Miss Graham for using her talents to inspire our mini actors/actresses!

Y2 Computing

This term in Computing the children have been experimenting with digital music in Chrome Music Lab. This week they have used the Kandinsky app to make sounds by drawing different shapes and patterns. After testing out the sounds they could make, the children composed music that reminded them of space.