We’re going hunting!

The children in Reception have been busy innovating the popular story ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ this week. We experimented with changing the settings to new ones, thinking of ways to describe them. Some children decided to keep the original settings and change the character that they were hunting for, from dragons, to tigers to snails! The children had a go at recording the journeys within their stories on story maps.

We’re Going on a Snail Hunt!
We’re Going on a Tiger Hunt!
We’re Going on a Dragon Hunt!

Exploring our new Early Years outdoor area

The children in nursery and reception have been so excited to explore our new outdoor area! We have a new texture kitchen to make pies, potions and perfumes, a core strength area, water wall, maths and literacy zone and our own mini ‘Community Park’. A big thank you to Cool Canvas for creating this amazing space for our children to learn 🙂

Mark making in Reception

This week in Reception we have enjoyed trying some large mark making. Some children have chosen to write some of the sounds we have learnt in phonics and even some number sentences! See if you can try this at home. All you need is a table and a large piece of paper and some pens 🙂

EYFS Outdoor Area

We are so excited to have Cool Canvas on site this week developing our Outdoor Area. The children are so excited to see the finished product and to get learning outside in the new space!

Creativity in Reception

Today has been a busy day in our Reception classes. The children have worked hard creating their own harvest artwork using natural resources. They have also been experimenting with colour. Look at these amazing pieces of artwork!