At Queen’s Hill, we believe that the Art and Design curricular should stimulate creativity and fire children’s imaginations. In our school, we combine theory with practice to provide a rounded approach necessary for children to study Art and Design in depth in the future. We want to encourage our children to express themselves through art and inspire them to pursue creative career paths. Our curriculum is designed to develop children’s cultural capital and allow them to explore a variety of artists, techniques and media. We do this because British Values are very important to us and we aspire to expose children to artists from diverse backgrounds and celebrate their contributions to our cultural heritage.
We aim to provide children with a strong creative foundation in early years. Children are encouraged to be independent with their creations and take ownership for their work. We expose them to a wide range of materials and resources and encourage them to use them without limits. As the children move up to KS1 and KS2, they are given opportunities to work with different materials and techniques such as printmaking and sculpture. By the end of their primary education, we aspire for the children to be equipped with life-long skills and cherished memories of the art pieces and inventions they have created.

Subject in Action

Year 1 celebrate pancake day
Today, our Year 1 pupils learnt more about the reasons behind shrove Tuesday and the start of lent. They designed their own pancakes, before getting to try them out in class!

Y5 Outdoor Learning
This week in outdoor learning children went for a walk and found an assortment of treasures: grasses, flowers, leaves, buds, and sticks. They came back together and created faces out of the treasures they found.

Year 4 Iron Men
To finish our ‘Electrify’ topic this half term, we made ‘Iron Men’ with flashing LED lights for eyes. The children used their knowledge about complete circuits to make the eyes. Some even included a home made switch in their circuit so they could make the eyes flash.

Mayan Printing
Year 6 created wonderful Mayan prints this week in Art. Inspired by the geometric shapes and repeating patterns used by the Maya people, children first made cardboard tiles and glued on their designs using string. They then painted the string on the tile and pressed down onto their piece of paper using a variety of … Read more

Nursery – Playdough
This week, we have been exploring playdough inside and outside. We have been inspired by St Valentine’s Day and created hearts and cakes.

Year 2 Art – Printing
Year 2 finished their textiles artwork this week by using their handmade relief blocks to print repeating patterns on to their dip dyed fabric. They used their concentration skills and created some fantastic final pieces.

Year 2 Art – Dip Dye
Year 2 have had a very exciting afternoon dip dyeing their fabric ready for printing on to next week. The children carefully attached pegs to their fabric and then chose three colours to dip into. They showed excellent concentration skills and have created some lovely patterns on their dyed fabric.