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Y4 Geography

As part of our continuing geography topic looking at our local area, Year 4 went on a walking tour of Queen’s Hill this afternoon to assess whether the quality of the environment improved the closer they got to the woodland area. They rated 8 different streets on their appearance, safety, cleanliness and proximity to amenities.


Year 2 Sharing Stories

This afternoon Year 2 met up with Year 3 to share their versions of ‘Julian is a Mermaid’. Year 2 were very excited to read their stories and show Year 3 all the hard work they had put into writing them.


Year 3 Science

Year 3 completed a water transportation investigation today. They enjoyed making predictions, conclusions and setting up fair experiments.


Year 3 Geography Visitor

Year 3 had a visitor to launch their sustainability unit this afternoon. They enjoyed finding out what sustainability was, looking at different examples of how we can be more sustainable and they even thought about changes they can make in their own life!


Art in Year 6

Year 6 have been looking at the work of Patrick Caulfield this week, who was part of the ‘Pop Art’ movement with Peter Blake and David Hockney. They began by choosing and drawing an everyday object from different viewpoints and creating a linear aspect by adding black pen to their sketch. They then enlarged their … Read more


Y1 – Jack and the Bean’s Talk

Year 1 had a visit from the Garlic Theatre Company for a production of Jack and the Bean’s Talk. The children also got the opportunity to see the puppets and find out how it all works. They were incredibly inspired and we can’t wait to see how amazing their own stories are when they write … Read more


Y1 – Day of Welcome

As part of our curriculum day Year 1 have talked about what it would be like to have to move to a new school or a new place. We read the story ‘Bobble’ and discussed how Bobble felt landing in a new place . The children were incredibly empathetic and we were really impressed by … Read more


School Council – Menu tasting

Children from school council were given the opportunity to taste a variety of food items and give their opinions on them. This was to help Nikki and the kitchen team think about developing the lunch menu going forward. A great time was had by all and the feedback given by the children was invaluable. Favourites … Read more


Y4 String Telephones

Year 4 explored how to make the best string telephone by testing different sizes of cups to see which gave the clearest sound. We also investigated the possibility of ‘eavesdropping’ into others’ conversations.