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Parent Voice Counts
At Queen’s Hill Primary and Nursery School we are delighted to announce the launch of our new Parent Forum – Parent Voice Counts (PVC) which gives you the opportunity to give your opinions and views on a variety of topics, which have been raised by the Senior Leadership Team. This term we would like your views on: Communication – What does … Read more
Launch of Year 2 Space Topic
Year 2 enjoyed making alien headwear for Beegu this afternoon. We followed instructions carefully and were really creative!
Times Tables in Year 2
Year 2 have started learning the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. We’ve learnt that ‘times’ means the same as ‘groups of’. For example:3 groups of 2 is 63 x 2 = 6 During one lesson we looked at different pictures of objects in groups and wrote the correct multiplication sentence…
Year 1 Story Map
At the end of the term we learnt the story of the Little Red Hen. The children spent time learning the story from a story map, drew their own and then recounted the story.
Aztec artwork
Year 4 have been busy in their art lessons this week, creating their own Aztec-inspired artwork using oil pastel and watercolour.
Designing sky scrapers in maths
Today we designed our own sky scrapers for Queen’s Hills. Mrs James told us that every day for a week, we could add two windows. In pairs we designed our sky scrapers and wrote addition and multiplication sentences to find out how many windows we would have built by the end of the week. We … Read more
Ancient Greeks next week!
In the last week, we have delved deeper into the characters and settings in Shadow of the Minotaur and have created some excellent descriptive pieces from this stimulus in our English lessons.We enjoyed our Maths Cafe on Monday too, where we all tackled mathematical problems themed around looking after some unusual pets! We are looking … Read more