Art and Design Technology

At Queen’s Hill, we believe that the Art and Design curricular should stimulate creativity and fire children’s imaginations. In our school, we combine theory with practice to provide a rounded approach necessary for children to study Art and Design in depth in the future. We want to encourage our children to express themselves through art and inspire them to pursue creative career paths. Our curriculum is designed to develop children’s cultural capital and allow them to explore a variety of artists, techniques and media. We do this because British Values are very important to us and we aspire to expose children to artists from diverse backgrounds and celebrate their contributions to our cultural heritage.

We aim to provide children with a strong creative foundation in early years. Children are encouraged to be independent with their creations and take ownership for their work. We expose them to a wide range of materials and resources and encourage them to use them without limits. As the children move up to KS1 and KS2, they are given opportunities to work with different materials and techniques such as printmaking and sculpture. By the end of their primary education, we aspire for the children to be equipped with life-long skills and cherished memories of the art pieces and inventions they have created.

Subject in Action


The Colours of Queen’s Hill Y5

The whole school has been working on our self portraits this week, inspired by the work of Angelica Dass and her Humanae project. Here are are some year 5 children tracing their work!


Colours of Queen’s Hill

Our amazing teaching team have been painting self-portraits after school today for our Colours of Queen’s Hill art project. They’ll be going on display in the main entrance next week. The Colours of Queen’s Hill is a wonderful art project for our whole-school community, where everyone will be creating their own self-portrait to celebrate individuality … Read more


Year 6 Art

Year 6 have had a fantastic start to the year and have quickly settled into life as role models to the rest of the school! This week, children have been taking part in our whole school Art project, ‘The Colours of Queen’s Hill’, inspired by Angélica Dass and the Humanae Project which celebrates the diverse … Read more


Year 3 Wraps

Year 3 designed, made and evaluated their own wraps. Here is what they had to say: “Putting all of the ingredients down the middle of the wrap was fun!” “Cutting the ingredients into smaller pieces was fun!” “Tasting the wrap was delicious!” “Folding the wrap up was tricky, but we persevered and did it!”


Year 2 – Smoothie Making

In DT this half term Year 2 have completed a smoothie making project. First they taste tested smoothies so that they could decide which fruits they liked best. Then they designed their own recipes and wrote out which ingredients they would need. Finally they made their smoothies, carefully cutting the fruit and adding it to … Read more


Art inspired by Patrick Heron

This week, Year 6 have shown great creativity when producing art work inspired by Patrick Heron who created paintings full of colour, imagination and fascinating shapes. We’re so impressed at how the children captured his unique style in their own work!


Y4 Tie Dye

In Art this week, we have explored the shapes and patterns we can make using tie dye techniques.


Y4 Mono printing and Special Visitor

This week, we started our mono printing in Art. We even had a special visit from Mr Cross who shared his own mono printing examples which left us all extremely inspired.


Year 3 Sculpture

Year 3 had fun making these bowls inspired by Kandinsky. They used paper mache and thought carefully about how their designs could be inspired by him.