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Year 2 Flight Cafe

We want to say a big thank you to all the parents/carers who came to our Flight Cafe this week. The children enjoyed designing their own aeroplanes!


Another Busy Week in Reception

This week has been a busy one and we have done incredibly well attending school for a full day this week! We started phonics this week and have so far learnt the sounds m,a,s,d,t. The dinosaurs helped with our writing – around the dinosaur’s bottom, up his tall neck and down to his feet! If … Read more


Earthsong 2019

At Queen’s Hill, we care about climate change. Here is our version of the Earthsong, organised and arranged by our school ambassadors thanks to Torquay Girls’ Grammar School. These children are encouraging everyone to sign the following petition:


Making Greek Shields

Year 5 have greatly enjoyed creating their Ancient Greek ‘Hoplite’ shields this week, and are very proud that some of them have now gone on display! They are excited to start learning more about Ancient Greek civilizations and culture in the next few days…They have all worked hard on the latest aspect of the Respect Focus … Read more


RAF Visit Year 2

Year 2 had an exciting day with visitors learning about the history of flight. They enjoyed creating, testing and altering their own planes!


A New Display

Nursery and Reception children have been busy exploring different types of transport for the school topic ‘On The Move’ as they have been settling into school. We think you’ll agree their mark making looks fantastic! Make sure you check out the display outside Papillons Rouges.


‘On The Move’ Curriculum Day

Today at Queen’s Hill Primary School, pupils were treated to a day of transport-inspired activities to launch our new topic ‘On The Move’. Children got to have a go at fixing a car tyre, experience what it might be like to be on board an aircraft and found out more about train safety with a visitor from … Read more


Problem Solving in Maths

This week we have been using our problem solving skills in Maths. We worked hard to think of different ways we could use 5 colours for 3 balloons. We have also been looking at comparing numbers and using vocabulary such as; more than, less than, greatest, least and as many as. 

First Week in Year 4

In our first week in Year 4, we have been working hard to remember to show respect when others are talking. We remember to look at the person who is speaking and wait our turn to speak. We know not to interrupt and to respect each other’s opinions and contributions. Also in year 4, we have … Read more