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Investigating Voltage

Year 6 have been thinking scientifically when investigating voltage, specifically what happens to components as the voltage of the cell or battery is increased. Children worked effectively to set up a fair test, consider the variables in their experiment and draw conclusions from what they observed.


Computing Y5

We have been using micro:bit in our computing lessons. We have enjoyed exploring how to program the controller and designing our own moving icons.


Y2 Computing

This half term Year 2 are learning about digital photography. They have learnt what makes a good photograph and have used this knowledge to take high quality photographs of objects in the classroom and outdoor scenery.


Year 3 Art

Year 3 enjoyed decorating their papier mache bowls inspired by Yayoi Kusama today. They used polka dots and thought carefully about colour schemes. They are excited to reveal their final designs in their show and share assembly next week!


Year 2 History

Year 2 have started their History topic all about the Titanic. First they used their inference skills to examine a piece of evidence. Then they created a ‘Talking Timeline’ showing the key events during the Titanic’s journey in chronological order.


Year 1 class jobs

Year 1 have been learning abut different jobs. Last week, all children in year 1 were given a class job. From Cloakroom Monitor to Office Assistant, Whiteboard monitor to Librarian. All children have been given a lanyard to wear with their name and job title. They are taking these roles very seriously. Well done year … Read more


Writing in Year 6

This week, Year 6 have been starting to plan their discursive RE writing to answer the question, ‘Creation or Science: conflicting or complementary?’ Classes began to unpick the structure of the writing and considered lots of elements in order to make the piece cohesive. Children concentrated very effectively to discuss the purpose and audience, the … Read more


Year 3 Science

Year 3 began their rock unit in Science today. They learnt about the different types of rock. They enjoyed comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance and got to use the microscopes to look very closely!


Year 3 Art

Year 3 had a brilliant time exploring Yayoi Kusama today. They created their own art inspired by her.