At Queen’s Hill Primary School, we strive for excellence in Geography. The study of geography at Queen’s Hill stimulates an interest in and a sense of wonder about places. This happens as soon as you enter the school...
Our rationale for both the topics covered and the teaching strategies used is to enable young people make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world. It explains where places are, how places and landscapes are formed, how people and their environment interact, and how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected.
From the Foundation stage and Key stage one we ensure that the children have an understanding of themselves in their own locality and can relate this to the rest of the world. This is achieved by using world maps, getting to know each child and their links across the globe, teaching subject specific vocabulary and undertaking local field work.
In Key stage 2 children continue with the fieldwork as an essential element of their studies while extending their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area which includes European countries and North and South America. They will explore a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features such as rivers, volcanoes and natural disasters.
By the end of KS2 our aim is that all children are able to confidently navigate around the world using atlas, maps and digital technology and be able to use geographical vocabulary to explain human and physical differences of countries from around the world in readiness for their secondary education and more importantly to succeed as global citizens! At a time when topics such as climate change, water availability, natural resources are as important as ever. These example are much easier understood by those who know geography well. We believe that geography delivered in this way will help children to maximise their potential and become successful and happy learners.
Subject in Action
Y5 Viking Day
Jörmungandr Austr bought their enthusiasm for all things Vikings to our school and we had an amazing day of learning! The children learnt so much about the daily life of Vikings; they really enjoyed studying artefacts, learning shield manoeuvres and getting first hand experience of handling weapons. It certainly created a real buzz for our … Read more
Y5 English Poems
This half term we have been learning about Climate Change and have been inspired by the monsters from the book ‘Planet SOS’. We created our own climate change poems about the despicable Trash-Kong. Children included poetic features such as: hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor, simile, personification and onomatopoeia. They built their very own ‘Poetic Toolkits’ to support … Read more
Year 2 – Curriculum Day
Year 2 had a fantastic Curriculum Day celebrating Black History Month. We learnt all about local hero Pablo Fanque. Feeling inspired by Pablo Fanque, we learnt how to perform some of the different acts that he had in his own circus. In the afternoon, we performed our circus for our Year 5 buddies.
Black History Month Curriculum Day
Today in school we have had a curriculum day in honour of Norfolk Black History Month. Across the school, children have been learning about influential Black people; Chadwick Boseman, Kadeena Cox, Ashley Banjo, Oti Mabuse, Mo Farah and John Boyega. They have looked into their achievements and contributions and why they have inspired people across … Read more
Y5 Curriculum Day
Y5 had a great day celebrating Black History Month. We learnt about the Windrush Generation and what it was like for people at this time, who travelled over to the UK. We read our class reader ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah, which the children have been enjoying already this half term. We researched and learnt … Read more
Year 2 Geography – Weather Reports
In Year Two this half term we have been learning about China in geography. The children compared the weather in Beijing to the weather in Norwich and worked together in groups to create weather reports. They made sure their weather reports included information about temperature and items of clothing that people might need.
How many European countries can you name?
Mr. Clarke, along with the rest of the Year 5 team have been challenging the pupils to see how many European countries they can name as part of their current geography topic. Why not have a go at home, using this free online quiz from Lizard Point!
Volcanic Eruption in Year 4
In year 4, we are going to be writing a recount about the events that took place when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. To kick start our writing, we reenacted a volcanic eruption and watched a reconstructed animation of Mount Vesuvius erupting over Pompeii. The children were really engaged and took notes about what … Read more
Being Historians in Year 4
After our successful Roman day, we started our learning about the Romans with a research lesson. The children worked in groups and used books and iPads to research the question ‘Why did Emperor Claudius invade Britain?’. Then the children presented their findings to the class.