
At Queen’s Hill we want our children to love expressing themselves through writing and feel proud of their writing achievements. Children will be motivated to write through the use of engaging texts, experiences and a range of other exciting stimuli. We strive to equip children to develop a rich vocabulary which can help them bring their writing to life. Our writing is purposeful and covers a variety of genres and key skills, which builds upon prior knowledge. Teachers model the writing process and demonstrate the ambitious high standards expected of all children.

At Queen’s Hill we want our children to be confident readers and have a lifelong passion for reading. Reading is at the heart of everything we do at Queen’s Hill. Children are exposed to high quality texts across the curriculum and reading skills are taught explicitly in all year groups. Reading is a key part of our daily routine and it is celebrated through our ‘Read for a Star’ challenge.

In EYFS and Key Stage One, key reading and phonic skills are taught through Read Write Inc phonics programme. In Key Stage Two, we use ‘Reading Masters’ to support our children with their development of key comprehension skills. Reading for pleasure is a cornerstone of our approach, we are very fortunate to have two school libraries which children can access.

Subject in Action


Interviewing Adults

As part of their topic some Year 1 children chose to interview Mr Cross and Mrs Suffield. They asked them about their current job and the jobs that they had had before.


Writing in Year 6

This week, Year 6 have been starting to plan their discursive RE writing to answer the question, ‘Creation or Science: conflicting or complementary?’ Classes began to unpick the structure of the writing and considered lots of elements in order to make the piece cohesive. Children concentrated very effectively to discuss the purpose and audience, the … Read more


Trip to Pets at Home

We have been learning about pets and how to look after animals. Today year 1 went on a visit to Pets at home to see some pets and find out more about how to care for animals. We found toys, food and and pet beds. We also saw some very cute rabbits, rats and even … Read more


Year 3 non-chronological reports

Year 3 are very proud of their amazing non-chronological reports. They were able to share them with year 2 and even take a copy home. They have worked incredibly hard, showing off all of their amazing Ancient Egyptian knowledge.


Peer teaching in Year 6

Year 6 demonstrated fantastic teamwork and communication when peer teaching in their English lesson. This lesson was all about working together and generating vocabulary for our suspense narrative based on ‘The Curse of the Maya’. Children also came up with lots of figurative language for the main character’s senses. Each group moved around the room and … Read more


Year 2 – Writing

For the last couple of weeks Year 2 have been investigating a crime that happened in their classrooms! They were reading the book ‘I Want My Hat Back’ in English and then made there own hats but one night after school a hat went missing. The children used the clues left in the crime scene … Read more


Romeo & Juliet: The Prologue

Year 6 have had fun exploring the beginning of Romeo & Juliet through drama this week. They used freeze frames to capture parts of The Prologue in Shakespeare’s tragic play and even had a go at translating the tricky language into the modern day. Children will be reporting on the action of Act 1 Scene … Read more


Y5 Bookbugs and Dragontales

This morning some of our Year 5 children went to Bookbugs and Dragontales and had a great time doing a creative writing project. They selected lots of new books for our new Book Nook, which will be for our Year 5 and 6 children, opening next week.


Penguin Visit

On Wednesday Year 1 came back from lunch to find a mess in their classrooms. There were footprints, ice, water and fish. The children acted as detectives to find out what had happened. On Thursday we were able to check the CCTV and found that it had been a penguin! Now we need to try … Read more