
Queen's Hill’s vision for science is to equip children with a range of skills and knowledge that will enable them to ask scientifically accurate questions and carry out scientific enquiries in order to learn about our world and how it is changing. Children’s scientific knowledge and skills are built upon each year as they reflect on past topics and key concepts learnt. We feel that it is important that children explore key content from the three disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and build confidence in applying their skills to conduct scientific experiments. Children will also develop a wide scientific vocabulary that they will be able to apply when discussing new concepts.

At Queen’s Hill, we have developed an exciting curriculum, whereby children are fully immersed in their learning. Children learn to design and conduct practical experiments and evaluate outcomes in order to enable them to ask questions and to find answers. We have an outdoor classroom that all year groups enjoy, and we offer the children the opportunity to use a range of high-quality scientific equipment. In a world that is facing some considerable environmental challenges, we hope at Queen’s Hill we can plant the seed that inspires the next generation of scientists.

We use PLAN primary science resources to support the planning and delivery of our science curriculum

Subject in Action


Investigating Voltage

Year 6 have been thinking scientifically when investigating voltage, specifically what happens to components as the voltage of the cell or battery is increased. Children worked effectively to set up a fair test, consider the variables in their experiment and draw conclusions from what they observed.


Year 3 Science

Year 3 began their rock unit in Science today. They learnt about the different types of rock. They enjoyed comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance and got to use the microscopes to look very closely!


Trip to Pets at Home

We have been learning about pets and how to look after animals. Today year 1 went on a visit to Pets at home to see some pets and find out more about how to care for animals. We found toys, food and and pet beds. We also saw some very cute rabbits, rats and even … Read more


Science in Year 1

Year one have been doing some great learning in science! Last week we investigated why giraffes have big hooves by trying to push different sized objects into the sand. We also explored designing a menu and creating pizzas for animals depending on whether they were, herbivores, omnivores or carnivores. Today we identified and named different … Read more


Y1 Learning about African animals

We spent time in groups learning facts about different African animals. We learnt where they live, what they eat and some very interesting facts!


Year 4 – Mad Science

Year 4 kicked off their brand new science topic with a bang this morning as Mad Science led a fantastic workshop. They learnt all about static electricity through the use of a Van de Graaff generator, which raised a few hairs! Children were introduced to the terms ‘conductor’ and ‘insulator’ and used themselves as a … Read more


Year 2 Kite Festival

This morning Year 2 tested out their kites in their very own Kite Festival. There was some very successful flying and some kites that needed a few repairs along the way! The children had a great time and were able to talk about why the materials they had chosen were a good choice for a … Read more


Year 2 – Science

This half term Year 2 have been exploring everyday materials and their suitability for different purposes. After testing the materials, they designed and made their own kites ready to test them next week in our Year 2 Kite Festival.


Investigating Shadows

This week, Year 6 have conducted a shadow investigation to explore whether the distance between an object and a light source will affect the size of the shadow. Firstly, children created shadow puppets and gathered the apparatus they needed for the experiment: a meter stick, a ruler, a torch and their results table. They measured … Read more